Sunday, 20 May 2007

Jake G, Ryan P and Reese

Last night I went off to see Breach at the movies after seeing Zodiac the night before. (I’d recommend seeing both!) I got to thinking about Chris Cooper (lead actor in Breach) and the Oscar talk which has already started. Being an Astrologer I wanted a glimpse into his chances and so off I went to Google to find his birth chart. Alas, being rather normal (on the celebrity meter) I couldn’t find it. But I did find one for Ryan Philippe (support actor in Breach) and one for Jake Gyllenhaal (lead actor in Zodiac) which meant of course I had to go right off and find Reese Witherspoon’s (not in any of them but previously married to Ryan and rumored to have dated Jake).

I enjoy watching Jake Gyllenhaal. Brokeback Mountain stayed with me for days. So I wasn’t surprised to see Jake born under a creative Mercury, Neptune, Sun conjunction in the free spirited (and mutable) sign of Sagittarius. Mercury rules the mind, Neptune is about openness and the Sun is about identity. Jake probably finds it easy to get into the minds of his characters allowing him to channel the imagined emotions they’d feel in any given situation. He is a very watchable, adaptable actor and will be around for a long time. Alas, he suffers from the same baby faced syndrome as Leo DiC, so it could be a while before gets the meaty mature roles (like the one Chris Cooper plays in Breach). On the love side, without a birth time the Moon is no help as it changed from Taurus to Gemini on the day Jake was born. However his Venus is firmly placed in freedom loving Sagittarius making this man a bit of a player. Yes he likes the ladies and no he doesn’t like being tied down, (or being controlled). I can’t imagine feisty Reese liking that much at all.

Ryan is a Virgo and more of a behind the scenes man. He suffers from being too critical on himself (he also has Venus and Mars in Virgo). He is a deep thinker as shown by a tight Mercury/ Pluto conjunction in Libra and always tries to do what’s fair and right. (Recent news shows he’s not challenging Reese for her money in their divorce, but just wants joint custody.) Current Jupiter and Uranus transits to his Sun in Virgo will help him away from the need to be perfect all the time. He’ll also start to relish his freedom and probably won’t look back, either personally or professionally, as he takes a few calculated risks. Pluto is currently making a harsh link to his Mars (which is about direction, passion and focus) and when Jupiter joins Pluto late in 2007 he’ll need to channel his energy into a new direction. Acting will still be a theme, but expect other projects to demand his attention. Pluto/ Jupiter/ Mars is also about regaining one’s power and I expect he’ll be a force to be reckoned with from 2008.

And the driven Reese? Her progressed Sun moved out of Aries and into Taurus a little over 2 years ago. This energy is very difficult to integrate into existing relationships and probably proved the catalyst for her to ultimately move one and move out. Jennifer Aniston had a similar progression when she and Brad spilt – her progressed Sun moved out of Pisces and into Aries. The progressed Sun is all about new identities, new roles and new ways’ of being in the world. It only changes signs once every 30 years, so when it does, BIG changes are necessary.

So Reese and Ryan move onwards and upwards. Also note – they were married for 7 years. You know that saying, the 7yr itch? It comes right out of astrology and the Saturn cycle. Any relationship, job, commitment or promise you make will be seriously tested 7 years down the track.

Jake G will be around in a big way through 2007 as lucky Jupiter moves through his chart and over his Sagittarius stellium. Expect to see more of him.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Britney's back,23663,21651188-10388,00.html
check this - publicity, a new album, like it or not, she is on the come back trail more to come