Wednesday, 10 October 2007

September 28 Positano
we woke up to rain in paradise this morning which quickly cleared. we'd hoped to head out on a boat and see the emerald grotto and some of the amalfi coast from the sea but alas, even though the rain had lifted the high seas had not. What did we do instead? Well Glen still went for his morning run (chooke I'm still in heavy training - we have 203 stairs down from our place to the street, then 203 back up again at the end of the day!). When he got back we decided to go out for breakfast, something we hadn't yet done in positano (most cafes only serve pastries and coffee for breakfast but we'd found one yesterday that served eggs etc - what is called here an amercian or british breakfast!) so about 10am we headed down the many, many stairs for the walk down the hill to the main, beach front cafe/ restaurant strip for breaky. We weren't in a hurry and enjoyed a long leisurely and very filling meal of eggs, ham, toast (they serve bread with everything), juice, coffee and crepes for sweets. By then it was around 11.30am and we thought we'd take a walk over to the little beach, next to the main one. We strolled over the paved headland walk, enjoying the sunshine and views. Glen wanted to check out the castle tower thing at the far end of the beach so we by-passed the sunloungers and continued on. We could only get so far before our path was blocked by a gate - obviously prviate property. We turned back and with no firm plans and a day free, grabbed a sunlonge, umbrella and towels (all rented for the bargain price of 14 euros - it is double that on the main beach!) And set up for some sunbathing. Hours of sun worship and swimming followed. A late lunch around 3pm followed our late breakfast - we didn't have far to go as the resturant was right on the beach, literally 10 metres from our sun lounges. Fresh tuna salads with wine and coffee. Back to the sunlounges and more swimming - glen grabbed one of the floating lilo things and headed out. all in all it was relaxing to say the least! Oh and did i mention we also got beachside massages from the lovely little asian lady who was offering full body massages right on your sunlounges for just 20 euro. After all the stair climbing we felt we'd earned it.
now scroll to the bottom and view the photos from the bottom up


bringing the boat home

Glen on a different inflatable boat thingy - trying to row himself around (the paddle broke part way through!)

Glen on one of the inflatable boat things they had for general use (really he's a big kid at heart!)

they are my legs to the left of the umbrella. On the far right of this picture are two people sitting together on one sunlougne. Glen swears the guy was a giggolo as he approached the woman seemingly from out of the blue.

This was the view from where we had lunch...

me sunbaking

we walked to the end of this little beach (the smaller one in Positano) and this was the view looking back at it.

this is our apartment as seen from the beach below (many, many steps below!)

the amazing Italian sun loungers (why don't we have these here???)

the sunny beach - I think it's official name is Fornillo and spiaggia is Italian for beach.

Monday, 10 September 2007

The New Britney? Her “new” leaked single (this one is good)

Britney Spears
Dec 2 1981
1.30am Mahon MS
3 Libra Ascendant
Bio info plus chart discussion

Just a quick look at one of the water trio’s fave artists.

I whipped my eyes over her chart last night and my first thought was “does this girl have an astrologer in her team picking dates?!”

For those of you out of the Britney Loop she’s about to open the VMA’s in the states (even though she hasn’t released in album in over a year) and new songs off her next album (due November 07) are leaking all over the place.

Everyone wants to know “Is Britney back?”

Looking at her chart it looks like it.
The immediate triggers in her chart are

1) Her progressed Moon is within one degree of conjunct to her Natal Venus – which just happens to be her chart ruler (She has a Libra sc so Venus is the chart ruler). This once every 27-and-a-bit-years trigger will be in influence for the next 10 weeks or so. Venus is about attractiveness and with the Moon (an indicator for the public) hitting this, one can only imagine her attractiveness (ie appeal) growing in the public domain.

2) Transit Jupiter is within one degree of conjunct her Natal Sun (in sag in the third house). This once every 12 years trigger is all about growth, opportunity and expansion. Jupiter has to do with faith, philosophy, PR, marketing and exposure. Jupiter also tends to have a lucky/ positive influence.We could speculate since January (when Jupiter made the first hit of this transit) Britney’s been rethinking her thoughts on life and work. What we see now is the end result of this transit (which also triggered her through July 07 – about the time those ‘secret’ concerts she staged happened). It’s definitely going to be big with loads of press coverage and with lucky Jupiter in the bag she looks like she’ll pull off an amazing comeback.

Other points to note
* Britney’s progressed Mars is exactly sextile her natal Mercury (which happens to be conjunct her part of fortune, Uranus and Sun). She is ready to deliver a new kind of message (and make a stack more money from it. Also interesting to note that as part of her ongoing custody issue with K-Fed, her monthly income was recently published – around the 1mil mark. That’s a month folks). This progressed influence has been in effect for over a year and will be so for at least another year – so it's more of a background influence rather than an immediate trigger. But it shows us what’s going on in her mind. Mars/ Mercury – “here’s what I really think” or “let me say what matters to me”. In a way that’s a combination of some kind of mercurial (writing, singing, teaching) and some kind of Mars (energetic, sexy) thing.
*18 months ago (approx) Britney had a progressed new moon return. This is the start of a major new life cycle that often takes up to 3 years to really get rolling. As the progressed moon in her chart starts to move away from making a conjunction with the progressed sun, it’s like she slowly starts to emerge from the prolonged hibernation that accompanies the ending of the last cycle of the threshold point of the new. Until she hits the crescent phase (almost two years from now) she’ll be gradually building up her profile and a new direction. She’s back now, but only going to get bigger in the next few years.
* Family is really important to her with the North Node in Cancer in the 10th house and a Cancer midheaven. However her progressed MC will move into Leo in around 6 months time and she will be putting her creative, dramatic diva out there in a big way. The change of sign by the Midheaven by progression happens around twice in a person’s life so it does indicate a significant shift in career focus or direction.

Sunday, 19 August 2007

I went and saw “Sicko” Michael Moore’s latest movie tonight.

It’s an evocative and at times confronting piece that raises some hard to answer questions about the health care system in America.

Obviously every thing we read or see is skewed to present the opinion of the person creating the thing we’re connecting with, however there are some undeniable truths that he presents. Health care in America is way below par, especially for the poor.

Of course I wondered what is contained in his horoscope. He does seem to be a man on a mission, or many missions given the wide variety of content he’s covered in his documentaries/ films. You can read more about his life on the links below. Let’s look at the birth chart.

Birth Data – from
April 23 1954
Flint MI

Other resources -

Michael Moore has a Leo Ascendant, Sun in Taurus (conjunct the MC from the 9th) and the Moon in Capricorn, partile conjunct Mars in the 5th house.

A fire ascendant gives him the ‘man on a mission’ vibe. Fire ascendants actively stride out into the world, looking for challenges and chasing visions. They are usually active in the world in some way, preferring the excitement of action and adventure to almost anything else.

The Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Capricorn are grounding energies, both being of the earth element. They bring determination and fortitude and the ability to create something tangible in the world. The combination of a fire ascendant and earth sun/ moon signs gives him huge energy resources and inspiration (fire asc) and the focus to follow through (that’s the earth). He has big ideas, filters them through his practical side, figures out what is do-able, then sets his energy towards doing something productive (earth again).

Using some modern psychological astrology, we see the planet Pluto rising, close to the ascendant in Leo in the first house. Michael has a powerful and transformational affect on the world around him and carries the ability to leave things differently from how he found them. He is an intense force actively triggering death/ rebirth cycles. He strongly identifies with his ability to create drastic and total kinds of change. All common Pluto in the first house kinds of themes.

Michael was born with the Sun on the Midheaven, at the very top of the chart – this happens for most people born around the middle of the day. In Michael’s case the Sun also rules his ascendant, so no matter what he does in life, with his ascendant ruler conjunct the midheaven he will be in the public eye. He has a profile and it is a big one. His bio on says he is shy, and with the Sun and Moon in earth signs he probably is; but with the Sun so obvious placed on the MC (short for Midheaven) he always ends up in the public arena, whether he likes it or not.

The Moon in Capricorn in the 5th house is weakened by being placed in the sign of its detriment. While Michael is a hard worker, he perhaps struggles with clearly expressing his emotions. He’s likely to worry more than necessary. The Moon is exactly conjunct Mars in Capricorn. Mars is super strong here being in the sign of his exaltation. This gives Mars good motivations like strong professional ethics and a genuine desire to work productively and with long term ambition and focus. Together these qualities add to Michael’s drive, energy and enthusiasm and by virtue of the earth quality indicate his passions (Mars) and his emotions (Moon) are channelled constructively in the world.

Other things of note:

Mc ruler, Venus, in her own sign of Taurus in the 10th house. Michael’s career, while being an avenue for his energy and desire for change, is helped along by this sweet, attractive, honest and strongly placed Venus. Loyalty is a key feature here and the desire to do good works for good results.

Uranus conjunct the South Node, Cancer, 12th House. Michael has been a force of dissent in previous lifetimes. The role of the rebel, the intellect, the free spirit and the independent thinker are ones he’s played in earlier incarnations. The Cancer aspect of the South Node energy indicates previous incarnations have been mostly about protecting and sustaining the family unit. A Cancer South Node means the North Node is in Capricorn. This indicates Michael’s soul purpose in this lifetime is about being productive in the world. Instead of being totally family focussed, in this lifetime its important Michael makes his professional ambitions a priority.The Nodes on the 6th and 12th cusps indicate Michael connects with his spiritual purpose through things like service and health.

What do you think about Michael Moore and/ or his horoscope?

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Jake G, Ryan P and Reese

Last night I went off to see Breach at the movies after seeing Zodiac the night before. (I’d recommend seeing both!) I got to thinking about Chris Cooper (lead actor in Breach) and the Oscar talk which has already started. Being an Astrologer I wanted a glimpse into his chances and so off I went to Google to find his birth chart. Alas, being rather normal (on the celebrity meter) I couldn’t find it. But I did find one for Ryan Philippe (support actor in Breach) and one for Jake Gyllenhaal (lead actor in Zodiac) which meant of course I had to go right off and find Reese Witherspoon’s (not in any of them but previously married to Ryan and rumored to have dated Jake).

I enjoy watching Jake Gyllenhaal. Brokeback Mountain stayed with me for days. So I wasn’t surprised to see Jake born under a creative Mercury, Neptune, Sun conjunction in the free spirited (and mutable) sign of Sagittarius. Mercury rules the mind, Neptune is about openness and the Sun is about identity. Jake probably finds it easy to get into the minds of his characters allowing him to channel the imagined emotions they’d feel in any given situation. He is a very watchable, adaptable actor and will be around for a long time. Alas, he suffers from the same baby faced syndrome as Leo DiC, so it could be a while before gets the meaty mature roles (like the one Chris Cooper plays in Breach). On the love side, without a birth time the Moon is no help as it changed from Taurus to Gemini on the day Jake was born. However his Venus is firmly placed in freedom loving Sagittarius making this man a bit of a player. Yes he likes the ladies and no he doesn’t like being tied down, (or being controlled). I can’t imagine feisty Reese liking that much at all.

Ryan is a Virgo and more of a behind the scenes man. He suffers from being too critical on himself (he also has Venus and Mars in Virgo). He is a deep thinker as shown by a tight Mercury/ Pluto conjunction in Libra and always tries to do what’s fair and right. (Recent news shows he’s not challenging Reese for her money in their divorce, but just wants joint custody.) Current Jupiter and Uranus transits to his Sun in Virgo will help him away from the need to be perfect all the time. He’ll also start to relish his freedom and probably won’t look back, either personally or professionally, as he takes a few calculated risks. Pluto is currently making a harsh link to his Mars (which is about direction, passion and focus) and when Jupiter joins Pluto late in 2007 he’ll need to channel his energy into a new direction. Acting will still be a theme, but expect other projects to demand his attention. Pluto/ Jupiter/ Mars is also about regaining one’s power and I expect he’ll be a force to be reckoned with from 2008.

And the driven Reese? Her progressed Sun moved out of Aries and into Taurus a little over 2 years ago. This energy is very difficult to integrate into existing relationships and probably proved the catalyst for her to ultimately move one and move out. Jennifer Aniston had a similar progression when she and Brad spilt – her progressed Sun moved out of Pisces and into Aries. The progressed Sun is all about new identities, new roles and new ways’ of being in the world. It only changes signs once every 30 years, so when it does, BIG changes are necessary.

So Reese and Ryan move onwards and upwards. Also note – they were married for 7 years. You know that saying, the 7yr itch? It comes right out of astrology and the Saturn cycle. Any relationship, job, commitment or promise you make will be seriously tested 7 years down the track.

Jake G will be around in a big way through 2007 as lucky Jupiter moves through his chart and over his Sagittarius stellium. Expect to see more of him.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Britney's back,23663,21651188-10388,00.html
check this - publicity, a new album, like it or not, she is on the come back trail more to come

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Miss Cancer

I’m Cassandra, the Cancerian contingent of the water trio! My website is

May I begin by sharing how the water trio began- or shall I say our love of Britney began. Miss Pisces, Miss Scorpio and Miss Cancer trotted up the F3 one dark and very late Friday evening in March of last year, heading to a glorious spot called Anna Bay to celebrate the end of Summer 2006.

Hence our name ‘the water trio’ (yes our Suns are in a tight trine) we have many shared interests. Astrology (of course), food and wine, the beach and boys. However, one of the most outstanding differences in this trine is our taste in music. Miss Pisces enjoys her roots/blues soft rock aka John Mayer is her not so secret fantasy. Miss Scorpio likes her dance tunes, you know the ones that spin around your head til you are in some kind of hypnotic trance and your head starts to hurt! Then, Miss Cancer likes her hard rock, heavy metal, yeah sometimes your head hurts with this one also!
As in real life, the likelihood of some kind of Mayer meets Metallica meets Ministry of Sound weekend festival hitting our shores was as promising as it was in Anna Bay. We found ourselves in our first friendship conundrum- our drastically differing musical desires!
After (ahem, several) bottles of wine- BRITNEY was found on Miss Scorpio’s IPOD- (ok ok, I admit it, it was me that found it). “either of you two like Britney?” was the drunken call. It was received with squeals of delight- from Miss Pisces in particular. The overwhelming welcoming response from my comrades warmed my Cancerian heart (of course I did not admit this!)
The night wore on as we found our singing (and later, dancing) just got better as the vino was consumed, it became quite toxic. The neighbours continued to be entertained til late into the evening by our ever improving soprano overtures- it was them against the music. Our version of ‘Sometimes’ was truly awe inspiring according to my fuzzy recollection of the latter hours of the evening- or shall I say like 5am! It was truly OUTRAGEOUS.

And thus, the legend of Britney was born, the patron saint of the water trio. Because of the music, our friendship is stronger than yesterday…

Yes, Brits has been in a terrible Neptune induced coma for some time now. Firstly, a marriage that must be up there in the Guinness book of world records for the fastest ever. And K Fed, what was she thinking? Rose coloured glasses (Neptune) doesn’t even make that head look any better!

Late last year, the email was sent (yeah, yeah me again), I saw our Brits on the cover of some trash mag lipo sucked and tucked back to her beautiful best, I had to inform the water trio! “Venus in Capricorn- she’s back and we are first row when she hits OZ- its gonna be outrageous!”
Neptune struck again, oh well. She’ll be stronger than yesterday, right?

So what can we expect for the patron saint of our water trio? Stay tuned for the next instalment!

Monday, 9 April 2007

celeb birth charts

the best place for celeb birth info is

Leo DiC

The water trio was indulging in one of our favourite past times this past weekend - gossip! Why does Leonardo DiCaprio date such hot girls? With Libra rising he has a taste for all things beautiful. Venus (the ruler of Libra) is very close to the Sun in Scorpio in his chart ensuring his love of the finest fillies is strong. It's models all the way for this intense Scorpio.

Our favourite celebrity, Britney, is struggling to find her feet. As predicted a number of years ago on Kelly's site 2003/ 2004 would be difficult years as Neptune (disillusionment, escape, attachment to fairytales, disconnect from reality) passed over her Moon (vulnerable, intuitive, sensitive). We believe Britney will come back, (she has Venus in workaholic, ambitious Capricorn and Mars in pedantic Virgo) and better than ever, once Jupiter moves out of Sagittarius (where she has the Sun, Uranus and Mercury). Saturn's link to her Moon through mid 2006 gave her the reality check/ wake up call she needed to kick that wannabe hubby of hers to the curb. Give the girl time. She's quirky and definitely a free spirit.

Sunday, 8 April 2007


welcome to my new blog. You can find out more about my work at I'm a writer, astrologer and body therapist based in Sydney Oz.